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About Southern Softpaw League (SSL)

Founded in 2009 and proudly serving the Greater Atlanta Metropolitan Community, the Southern Softpaw League (SSL) is an all-inclusive, fun, friendly, competitive, and charity-minded softball league.

SSL does not discriminate - regardless of sexual orientation, race, age, gender, or disability. SSL has a mission of helping metro-Atlanta’s four-legged friends, along with providing a sports league with a social and friendly environment for softball players, fans and animal lovers.

The Southern Softpaw League's mission is to:

  • Collectively work toward helping our four-legged friends while having fun playing softball.
  • Bring our community together with the support from local bars, restaurants, businesses.

The Southern Softpaw League's principles are to:

  • Promote good sportsmanship.
  • Provide a fun, safe space that respects all people.
  • Celebrate the division champions, honor our hall of fame members, and recognize individual contributions to the league and community.

Kenny Deleon Governor

Southern Softpaw League